Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Beauty of a Wealthy Life

Previously I posted an entry I had written some time earlier that had resulted from the fortune cookie I had opened, which said, "Wealth belongs to those who create it."

Further back in time, to a prior entry based on a prior fortune cookie, my fortune from a cookie had read, "Beauty surrounds you because you create it."

I saved it, as I do many of my fortune cookie sayings, because they sometimes give me ideas of topics to explore. At first I had not seen any relevance from that saying to my life, other than my past as an artist; my creativity. Obviously I create beauty, if you could call it that, around me in my drawings of the past which I would like to return to doing, and in my immense Lego city, as well as the stories and messages that I write. But that isn't where I expected to go, as far as writing about that, when I saved the fortune cookie saying. It's been on my desk till now in a small pile of paper slips, waiting for me to get an idea of what I would use it for.

Just a while ago, I thought about the entry I had posted about wealth and how it is created in more forms than money, by the people who are enriched and enrich others, and the message about beauty surrounding those who create it came to mind, in its relevance.

Wealth belongs to those who create it.
Beauty surrounds you because you create it.

They mean the same thing, easily intertwined with each other. I wrote about personal created wealth also being easily applied to wealths of talent and artistry, of love and compassion, of knowledge and experience, of friends and family, etc. Those things are all beautiful, and make life beautiful as well for those who create those wealths, and those who receive them and enhance them in themselves and in others. Such wealth is beautiful, and such beauty is wealth.

Wealth belongs to those who create it. -You create beauty.
Beauty surrounds you because you create it. -You create wealth.

May you create such beauty...In every day, in every way.

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